Hi, I'm Zhuoyang (Ellen) Li.

I am a Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researcher, currently a research assistant at BiWell Lab, City University of Hong Kong. My research interests lie in Conversational Agent (CA), Well-being, Persuasive Technology (PT) and Personal Informatics (PI). I am actively seeking '25 Fall HCI Ph.D. opportunities. Please contact me via email if you find me suitable.

Selected Work


StayFocused incorporates reflective prompts and chatbot support to assist individuals to be aware of their smartphone use and focus on their tasks at hand.

SmartphoneAddiction PersuassiveTechnology Chatbots Reflection

Prompt LLMs for Mental Health

We examined how people prompt GPT when seeking mental health support, with detailed analysis of their prompting strategies.

PromptEngineering LLMs MentalHealth

Chatbots for Healthcare Consulting

Based on the heuristic–systematic model (HSM) and health belief model (HBM), this study aims to investigate how personalization and source expertise in responses from a health chatbot influence users’ health belief-related factors and usage intentions.

Chatbots HealthBelief