Publication List
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- [Co-first Author] Li, Z., Liang, M., LC, R., Luo, Y. (2024). StayFocused: Examining the Effects of Reflective Prompts and Chatbot Support on Compulsive Smartphone Use. The ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’24).
- [Co-first Author] Li, Z., Liang, M., Le, H. T., LC, R., Luo, Y. (2023). Exploring Design Opportunities for Reflective Conversational Agents to Reduce Compulsive Smartphone Use. The ACM conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI’23).
- [Co-author] Liu, Y., Song, C., Huang, D., Liu, X., Li, Z., & Hu, B. (2023). How can chatbots effectively comfort humans?
Exploring the interaction of emoji and identity cues for perceived emotional support., 32nd European Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS’23).
- [Co-author] Liu, Y., Yan, W., Hu, B., Li, Z., & Lai, Y. L. (2022). Effects of personalization and source expertise on users’ health beliefs and usage intention toward health chatbots: Evidence from an online experiment. DIGITAL HEALTH.
- [Co-author] Liu, Y., Yan, W., Hu, B., Li, Z., & Lai, Y. L. (2021). Exploring How Personalization and Source Expertise of Information from Healthcare Chatbot Affect Users’ Health Beliefs and Usage Intention. International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference (IAMCR’21).